Mar 31, 2011

200 FV cash 4 free....

You need to have a English farm w/ a sheep pen. You can only ask every 4 hours for the love potion. You can change the love potion to any item you want. The link is good for 5 people.
1. Open Charles BP’s OFF.
2. Open English farm and open the sheep pen.
3. Turn ON BP’s in Charles.
4. Ask for love potion Charles will pop up.
5. Edit the request, change the 2 digit item code from gk to Hk (or other item)
6. Execute the next 4 BP’s
       9191123b6ed68c031e360b08c5a94e26 1301437310 FarmVille 200 FV Cash with Charles
       ab04e7d3f7c14a526a655603b780eb84 1301437390 FarmVille 200 FV Cash with Charles
7. Turn OFF BP’s and the FV box to publish “ask for love potions” will be on the screen. Give it to chix U wanna hook up with, don’t publish it to your wall. You and the other 5 ppl will get 200 FVC from your post or link. 200 fvc only works ONCE for each account.
            b6f6a3510c5e2f1fd26371ac69225edb 1301437552 FarmVille 200 FV Cash with Charles



  2. hey r u having anything which is not patched plz tell :- dheeraj bhatia
